

退伍军人权利法》®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站 http://www.好处.va.政府 / gibill.


A: The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 is a proud participant in the Principles of Excellence Program. 有关此计划的进一步资料,请使用以下连结:


Q: Does The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 waive application fees for military connected students?

A: The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 on campus undergraduate programs waive the required application fee for veterans.

问:如果我是一个独立的学生使用后9/11 GI法案®我如何支付我的住房?

答:作为一名学生,你需要支付大学住宿费用. 你的基本房屋津贴将按月直接存入. 有关更多信息,请参见 退伍军人权利法》®.  The VA will not pay the University directly for housing regardless of which benefit you use. 如果你住在校园里, the Cashier’s Office offers a payment arrangement service that will allow you to pay for on-campus housing monthly. 如果你每月直接从退伍军人事务部领取津贴, 你可以用它来支付校内或校外的住房, 但住房是你的责任.




A:你需要去 gibill.va.政府 点击“申请福利”,再点击VONAPP. 在那里你要填写一张22-1995表格,它会改变你的福利. Please print a copy of this application because you will turn in this information to our office. 接下来,你应该报名参加迎新培训. 我们会带着额外的文件去给你开福利.


A: The Award Letter (referred to as Certificate of Eligibility) is an official written notice from the Department of 退伍军人事务部 (DVA) sent to the student.  奖励函将提供每月付款率, 包括付款日期, 以及在每个奖励期结束时的剩余权利. 这些信息需要填写每学期的建议工作表.


A: Students under the Post 9/11 退伍军人权利法》® provided the Study Abroad Program applies to the student’s degree program, 包括选修课, VA将支付学生在校期间的所有常规学杂费, 美国学生将支付学费, (e.g.医疗费、化验费等.). VA will not pay fees directly related to Study Abroad such as a transportation fee generally air fare, 房间, 董事会, 等. Please contact the Falcon Success Center in order to find what programs will allow you to use your 好处.


A: You can be certified for Post 9/11 while receiving ROTC Scholarship but The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 cannot submit tuition and fees for the same semester that you have the ROTC Scholarship.


  • MHA会支付.
  • 图书津贴会支付的.
  • 没有学费 & 可以提交费用.
  • ROTC通过ROTC学费奖学金支付学费.


是的. The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 recognized ACE recommendations on the Joint Services Transcript. We also award credit from the Community College of the Air Force and Air University transcripts. 你应该有一份军事成绩单的正式副本寄给密歇根大学. The Registrar’s Office will evaluate the credit and recommendations for applicability to UM and may award up to 45 semester hours.


A:参考 退伍军人福利文件 页面.


答:所有的月津贴在每个月注册结束时支付. 有时津贴会在下个月初发放. 请记住,部分月份是按比例支付的. The VA does not pay for breaks in between semesters (such as the break between fall and spring).

Q: If I drop a course after the drop/add period, how does that affect my Federal VA benefit?

A:如果你退课的话, 退出所有课程, 或因不出席或不付款而被退学, the VA may ask you to repay the funds you received for the dropped class and/or classes. If you feel you have extenuating or ‘mitigating’ circumstances for dropping the class or withdrawing, 你可以向退伍军人管理局申诉.

问:如果我被征召现役或需要训练怎么办? 如果我需要晚开学怎么办? 或者早点离开?

答:参考ums 撤军政策.


A: Enrollment verifications are completed in the Registrar’s Office, second floor, Palmer Hall. 他们有CHAMPVA验证表,可以在您等待的时候填写.

Q: Are there any student employment or work study positions available for student veterans?

A: The 退伍军人及军事事务 office offers part time jobs through the Veterans 政府 for those students that are receiving VA GI Benefits and are enrolled ¾ time. 通过电子邮件联系特蕾西·克伦肖 crenshawt@chcmarketplace.com 了解更多信息.


答:一旦UM收到军方的付款, 如果你收到了任何额外的援助, 你将获得相当于其他援助金额的退款.

Q: My 好处 have not paid to UM and I need to purchase books, how can I purchase them?

答:如果你有学生援助办公室的其他未决援助,它会创建一个学分, 它将被送到B&你可以给你的书收费. 如有任何问题,请致电(205)665-6065与出纳办公室联系. 或者,如果您是ALGI接受者,请将您的时间表提交给B&然后告诉他们你是收件人. Voc康复接受者,你将有一笔津贴来收取你寄给B的书的费用&N从你的虚拟现实顾问. Please note: If you are an ALGI recipient you must charge only books that relate to your schedule, 任何其他书籍/材料你将需要自掏腰包.

Q: Will I be dropped for non-payment or will I incur a late fee if my VA funds have not been paid to UM?

A: Upon registration please contact your VA rep at UM to inform them of your 好处 to start your authorization process. Once your authorization is given to UM the amount expected to be paid will be applied toward your student account balance. If you owe a difference out-of-pocket from the balance that has been authorized by the VA you are expected to pay this difference by payment deadline. If not, your account may have a late fee applied and/or potentially be dropped for non-payment.


是的, students should complete the ANGEAP application for each semester separately after registering for classes. 第一部分将由学生完整填写并签名.


A: Each student will submit the application to the 学生援助 Office here at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐. 一旦收到,该机构完成申请的第二部分, 并将提交申请.

Q: When will I know if I am approved after submitting my ANGEAP application and how will I be notified?

A: The students’ Education Service Officer (ESO) will sign and certify the student is an active member in good standing with the Alabama National Guard and is eligible to receive these 好处. Once the Alabama Commission of Higher Education (ACHE) receives the application from the students ESO, their correspondence on the approved ANGEAP amount will be sent to the student’s email listed on the application as well as to the corresponding institution.

Q: What if I submit my ANGEAP application, but I’m not approved for the maximum allowed amount?

答:ANGEAP, 最后付款人, will cover only the remaining balance of tuition and instructional fees that are not otherwise covered by other aid received by the student.  奖助金, 奖学金, federal and state VA 好处 paid directly to the institution for tuition purposes are to be used first.


答:ANGEAP只会报销学费和教学费用, 但它可能不是全额学杂费. 这可能会因书籍和用品不包括在内而有所不同.

Q: Will I be dropped for non-payment or penalized for not having the ANGEAP payment sent through ACHE until the end of the semester?

A: Generally no, only if there was a remaining balance after the approved ANGEAP amount. 学费将在每学期结束时直接寄到学校.