May 21, 2024

Featured Falcons: Carey Heatherly and Dr. Clark Hultquist

Watching the landscape of a college town shift over time is truly fascinating, 从宏伟的新建筑这样的大变化到一棵新树这样的小变化. Though some things are different, 那些熟悉澳门在线赌城娱乐的人仍然会在这个标志性的校园和周围的社区里感到宾至如归, even if decades have passed since their time here.

With its vibrant scenery and captivating history, Montevallo is the perfect setting to compare yesterday to today, 两位澳大教职员工很高兴能帮助展示澳大200年的丰富历史.

Carey Heatherly

Carey Heatherly

Carey Heatherly, University archivist, and Dr. Clark Hultquist, professor of history, released their latest title, “Montevallo: Past and Present” earlier this year. 这本书是由大学安娜·克劳福德·米尔纳档案和特别收藏的精选图像组成的,与当今同一地点和建筑物的照片相结合.

Heatherly and Hultquist previously collaborated on a pictorial history book, “Montevallo: Images of America,” with Arcadia Publishing in 2011. 大约两年前,阿卡迪亚找到了这两位作家,希望他们能为公司的“过去与现在”系列创作另一本以蒙特瓦罗为背景的书, 它通过将历史图像与当代照片并排放置,提供了一种特殊的美国生活视角.

“我们在大约两分钟内就答应了,因为我们喜欢第一个项目,” said Hultquist, 她在澳大任教27年(主要讲授欧洲历史),并曾两次担任行为与社会科学系系主任. “We work together really well, and sometimes that doesn’t happen with colleagues and academics, but that first book was pretty seamless. After 12 years, it felt like it was time to freshen up some things.”

Since then, 希瑟利和胡尔特奎斯特一直在不知疲倦地收集和整理过去和现在的照片,并为它们配上文字. 他们首先必须列出他们想要展示的地点,并考虑如何将它们组织成章节. Next, 他们分析了他们收集的历史照片,并决定使用哪一年的照片, 同时要记住,现代的照片是否可以从同样的位置拍摄.

“我们想,‘我们是想展示1896年的照片,还是想展示上世纪70年代的照片?’ That way, if you are looking at all these different books, you can kind of see the evolution of a building,” said Heatherly, 她2003年开始在澳大担任兼职职员,2007年成为教职员工. As the archivist, 他致力于保存和保护历史文献,以供后代使用和参考.

Dr. Clark Hultquist

Dr. Clark Hultquist

The duo fell into a rather harmonious collaboration on the project, with Heatherly heading up the archiving and digitization efforts, and Hultquist taking on the duty of snapping the present-day photos. 他经常在每个地点用手机拍摄测试照片,然后再用数码单反相机拍摄正式照片.

“One of the best things about our partnership is that we get along, 而且凯里在技术方面有很多我不具备的技能,” Hultquist said. “And I basically became the photographer, and I liked doing that.”

Some campus structures — Meroney House, 例如,因为树木生长,所以拍摄起来更具挑战性. 经过多次协调天气和躲避校园建设工作, the duo had thousands of photos to analyze and choose the best of the best. Despite the hefty workload, they managed to meet all their deadlines.

“There’s lots of moving parts, and we were also looking for things that we had not covered in the first book,” Heatherly said. “与上次相比,我们这次获得的材料要多得多. We did have to go out and search for some of the historic images, 幸运的是,我们有一个很好的人际网络,有很多人渴望参与进来.”

希瑟利和胡尔特奎斯特在他们最喜欢的一些特色照片比较上达成了一致——其中一张来自浅滩溪公园, 在1953年的那张照片中,一家人摘完蓝莓,穿过一棵被砍倒的树回家,这棵树至今仍在那里, and Reynolds Hall, which was ultimately chosen as the book’s cover art.

“我给雷诺兹拍了很多照片,因为它是一座标志性的建筑,”胡尔特奎斯特说. “One morning I was taking it from an angle, 巧合的是,太阳从建筑上反射出来,而白色建筑的反射正好击中了一些砖块. 所以,这些砖被点亮了,几乎就像通往建筑本身的入口. I was really pleased with that.”

希瑟利还喜欢把主街的照片进行比较,现代版本的照片显示的是Netflix拍摄2020年电影场景时的场景, “The Devil All the Time,” in Montevallo in 2019.

“这张照片是克拉克偶然拍的——他有一张旧汽车的照片,当时他们正在搭建电影布景, 有一张历史图片与那个时代的汽车非常接近,” Heatherly said. “It’s really colorful and bright. I just think that’s unique.”

Reception to the book has been positive so far. In April, 希瑟利和胡尔特奎斯特在卡迈克尔图书馆的帕特·斯卡尔斯特藏书室主持了一场关于这本书的讨论. 今年夏天,他们将在蒙特瓦洛商会和蒙特瓦洛历史学会发表关于这本书的演讲,并可能在明年的返校节上举办活动.

As for future projects, 两人最近获得了美国大屠杀纪念博物馆和美国图书馆协会的资助,举办“美国人与大屠杀”,” a traveling exhibition that examines the motives, pressures and fears that shaped Americans’ responses to Nazism, war and genocide in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s. This month, Heatherly attended an instructional workshop in Washington, D.C.在那里,他学习了举办和营销展览的细节.

“这是‘大屠杀中的美国人’展览的缩小版,”他说. “It hits the high points, and that’s what we’ll base our programming around, 但我们也会更进一步,让它更以阿拉巴马和蒙特瓦洛为中心.”
